Aplikasi BBM untuk Windows Phone 8

Aplikasi BBM untuk Windows Phone 8

Applikasi BBM untuk Windows Phone 8 Telah hadir dalam versi Beta

BlackBerry secara resmi merilis BBM Beta for Windows Phone untuk publik dan bisa didapatkan di Windows Phone Store, seperti yang sudah dijanjikan sebelumnya. Aplikasi BBM untuk beta tester sudah hadir lebih dulu di Windows Phone Store minggu lalu.

Pihak Blackberry menuturkan BBM untuk Windows Phone mendapat 10.000 pendaftaran dalam 24 jam setelah pendaftaran dibuka. Dan kini mereka bilang sudah ada 85 juta pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia. Kini proses cross platform untuk BBM lengkap sudah!!

Fitur-Fitur BBM di Windows Phone

  • BBM Chat: The Chats page is your single destination for all your chats, including groups, multi-person and one-to-one. In a chat, you have lots of ways to share. You can attach a picture from your camera, add a voice note, send a contact, share a photo from your gallery or send your location. Chats also include BBM signature “D” and “R” notifications that allow users to know when messages are delivered and read.
  • BBM Groups:
    With BBM Groups, up to 50 people can be added to the conversation. Chat, share photos and schedules with even more friends.
  • Find Friends:
    Discover people you know that are also using BBM and invite them to your BBM contact list, from within the app. With the ability to easily share your PIN with your friends and family, connecting is easier than ever. BBM Feeds: Feeds lets you see what’s happening with your BBM contacts. Here you will see when contacts update their status or profile photo. If you want to chat about one of their updates, just touch on their name and you’ll be taken to a chat. Here you can also quickly update your own status to share what you’re up to or what’s on your mind.
  • Pin’ to Start: Pin BBM Groups and 1:1 chats to the Start screen for easy access to your most important chats
Dari hasil respon pengguna akan disambut pihak blackberry untuk segera hadirkan versi 2 yang akan menambahkan banyak fitur-fitur baru di dalamnya seperti sticker, BBM Voice, Channel dan berbagi lokasi segera